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Portrait taken by a videocamera (JPEG 26K)
June 2000
Dressy photo (JPEG 37K)
January 2000
On a beach (JPEG 50K)
July 1998

Po-russki / Russian version

TG support group in Kiev


I am a woman with transsexual past, was born in 1963, am living in Kiev (population 2.8 million officially, 4-5 million really) - the capital of Ukraine (46 million), it's in European part of former USSR, northward of Black Sea, near Chernobyl. I never was married, haven't a child, am single child for my parents. I'm living with mother, it's widespread in former USSR. By profession I'm a computer-technician and a system programmer. My hobby now is the Internet.

I began to crossdress in about 1974; learnt that SRS is real in USSR in about 1987; took first self-"prescribed" hormonal pill in 1989; cleared chest, arms and hands by electrolysis mostly in 1992-1993; said my mother that I'm a (then non-op) TS in January 1993; began intensive HRT without breaks in October 1996; began facial electrolysis in December 1996 (totally had for the present 525 hours of electrolysis); went out en femme for the first time (and said my mother that I intend to undergo SRS) on May 3, 1997; went androgynous gradually in the summer 1997; went almost full-time (about 98% of time because legal name/gender change is possible here now only after SRS) in the summer 1998; underwent obligatory for all TSs here month long evaluation in a psychiatric hospital in August 1998; got permission for SRS on November 30, 1998; underwent SRS on January 11, 1999 (surgeons Alexandr Hoholya and Sergey Galich, here in Kiev); legally changed name/gender in April-June 1999.

To live in an underdeveloped country sometimes gives some advantages: I'm entirely passable here now (even in unisex clothing without makeup etc.) despite of my height 181 cm (5'11") and not perfect voice, though I doubt that I can as easy pass in places with more versed population, for example San Francisco. Before 1997 I didn't believe that I'd ever be able to pass, honestly!

I (as well as about 40% of male-to-female transsexuals) am lesbian. Sexual orientation and gender autoidentification are different things. I had the surgery not in order to obtain the possibility to have "normal" (non-tabooised) sex with men, but in order to get rid of conflict between, simply speaking, soul and body. I understood that by changing sex of my body I decreased my chances to find my "other half", and didn't hope for that anymore. I was sure that I'd remain lonesome. But completely unexpectedly thanks this webpage half year after my surgery I was found by the woman who is now my beloved. She loves me very much, and I often think how miraculous it is. I don't regret at all that I resolved at last on all this complicate and long process of sex change. But then I'd not meet my beloved. How many events our lives depend from... Anyway, "history does not accept subjunctive mood".

Besides my photos on the left, you can see more photos.

I chose the name Elena (shortly/tenderly Lena) because of its soft sounding.

I spend much time running the Russian-language mailing list for TG people, researching hormonal therapy (HRT) for MtF transsexuals and contributing to groups about MtF HRT (Crone and MTFHRT). If you are transgendered and want hormonal therapy or already take female hormones then you can subscribe to the MtF HRT group. Collective knowledge of members of those groups in MtF HRT far exceeds that of any doctor worldwide. Don't expect doctors to know it all: MtF HRT is a specific region of endocrinology very different from other types of HRT, teached nowhere, no textbooks, no reference books. Crone list functioned since 1996, it's invaluable source of knowledge on MtF HRT.

I was an activist in TG group of Association "Ganimed", officially registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and created for the purpose of protection of rights of sexual minorities. That group could be called club or support group, we invited all TS, TV, CD, TG and so on individuals, MtF, FtM, intersexuals. It was single known by me peer TG group in Ukraine. I attended all monthly TG meetings since first in August 1995, consult Ukrainian and Russian MtFs about HRT and other problems. Now support group functions shifted to the Russian-language mailing list I run, it has members from Ukraine, Fussian Federation and other countries.

My main email address: Lena@lena.kiev.ua
If letters from you to that address bounce then you can use a roundabout: Lena@groups.io

The Purple Rose Award for Excellence (GIF 11K)

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This page has been accessed 1853713 times since November 20, 1997.
Last updated on January 1, 2023.


Andrea's most detailed information about hair removal
An explanation what transsexuality is, by Lynn Conway
Fiona's site - with over 9800 links
Transgender and Transsexual Links - over 3000 links
Diahanna's Transgender Reliable LinkX - with list of lists of links
Susana Marques' TV/CD/TS/TG Directory - over 3600 well sorted links
TG search engine - over 31000 links
Monika's "my transsexual heroine" - photos and links
Remembering our dead - it's far not all trans who were murdered. Read and don't think that our life is just silk and flowers.
My favorite story

Russia:   Amanda, TS (Moscow, London) (mirror)   Angela, CD (Moscow) - email only   Angelina, TS (Moscow) - email only   Olga, CD/TS (Moscow) - email only   vita_fialka, post-op (St-Petersburg) - email only   Alina, post-op (St.-Petersburg)   Irina, TS (Volgograd) - email only   Katya, CD
Ukraine:   Alexa, TV (Kiev)
Latvia:   Katja, TS - email only
Czech Republic:   Czech TransForum (Prague); Tereza, post-op; Oskar, FtM   other links
Slovakia:   links
Poland:   Amy, TV - email only   other links
Hungary:   links
Romania:   Phaedrus, FtM - email only   other links
Yugoslavia:   Andjela, TV (Belgrade)   other links
Slovenia:   links

Martin's photos - Martin is a photoartist who travels to various countries and takes portraits of transsexuals for a book he wants to publish. He worked in Kiev too, is searching for more models.

If you live in Eastern Europe and want a link here to your web-page or e-mail address, then write to me about that.

TransGendeRing homepage This Global TransGendeRing site is owned by Lena.

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I don't allow to use my photos.

Po-russki / Russian version

Portret, snjatyj videokameroj (JPEG 26K)
Ijun' 2000
Prinarjadilas' :-) (JPEG 37K)
JAnvar' 2000
Na pljazhe (JPEG 50K)
Ijul' 1998

English version
Konferencija TGrus
Doska pamjati pogibshih
Dieta dlja pohudenija

- Esli u ryby oba glaza na odnoj storone, eta ryba luchshe?
- Eta ryba ne luchshe i ne huzhe, ona - drugaja.
        (iz fil'ma "Vospitanie Arizony")


JA zhenschina s transseksual'nym proshlym. Eta stranichka posvjaschena v osnovnom etomu proshlomu. JA ne udaljaju etu stranichku dlja togo, chtoby drugim iduschim po podobnomu puti bylo chut' legche. Kak Vy dumaete, esli by ja ne rasskazala sama o svoem proshlom, moglo by eto Vam prijti v golovu? :-)

JA rodilas' v 1963 godu, sejchas zhivu v Kieve vmeste s mamoj, nikogda ne byla v oficial'nom brake (sejchas sostoju v grazhdanskom), ne imeju detej, brat'ev ili sester. Po professii elektronschik i sistemnyj programmist. Hobbi sejchas - Internet i pomosch' informaciej drugim ljudjam so shodnymi problemami.

Est' obraznoe opredelenie transseksuala. Eto chelovek, dusha kotorogo zhivet v tele protivopolozhnogo pola. To est' zhenschina zhivet v muzhskom tele ili muzhchina v zhenskom. Tak vot, ja byla transseksualom (iz muzhskogo pola v zhenskij). Byla - potomu chto teper', posle privedenija tela i social'nogo statusa v sootvetstvie s dushoj, ja nakonec prosto zhenschina.

Nemnogo predystorii.

JA nachala pereodevat'sja v zhenskuju odezhdu primerno v 11 let; uznala chto smena pola v SSSR real'na primerno v 24 goda; nachala ostorozhno (samostojatel'no) prinimat' zhenskie gormony v 26 let; udalila navsegda volosy s grudi i ruk elektroepiljaciej v osnovnom v 29-30 let; rasskazala mame (samomu blizkomu cheloveku) chto ja transseksual v 30 let (togda operacii ja delat' ne sobiralas'); nachala intensivnuju gormonoterapiju bez pereryvov i elektroepiljaciju na lice v 33 goda (vsego na sejchas 525 chasov elektroepiljacii); pervyj raz vyshla "na publiku" v zhenskom vide i skazala mame, chto sobirajus' sdelat' operaciju, v 34 goda; chut' pozzhe pereshla postojanno s muzhskoj odezhdy na bespoluju; pereshla pochti postojanno na chisto zhenskuju odezhdu (pochti - potomu chto oficial'naja smena imeni i grafy "pol" v dokumentah vozmozhna na Ukraine sejchas tol'ko posle operacii "smeny pola" v otlichie ot, skazhem, SSHA, gde smena osnovnyh dokumentov obychno proizvoditsja ne menee chem za god do operacii), proshla objazatel'noe obsledovanie v psihiatricheskoj bol'nice i poluchila razreshenie na operaciju v 35 let; sdelala operaciju "smeny pola" (na samom dele eto tol'ko "peredelka" genitalij; hirurgi Aleksandr Vasil'evich Hoholja i Sergej Petrovich Galich, zdes' v Kieve) i smenila dokumenty v 36 let. Teper' nikto ne putaet menja s muzhchinoj nesmotrja na moj rost 180 sm i neideal'nyj golos, dazhe esli ja v bespoloj odezhde, bez kosmetiki i t.d. Do 1997 goda ja ne verila, chto eto budet vozmozhno, chestno!

Kak ni stranno mozhet prozvuchat' dlja neznakomyh s dannoj temoj, ja (kak i porjadka 40% vseh transseksualov M->ZH) lesbijanka, u menja vsegda bylo vlechenie tol'ko k zhenschinam. Seksual'naja orientacija (k komu vlechenie - k muzhchinam, zhenschinam ili i k tem, i k drugim) i gendernaja autoidentifikacija (kem sebja chuvstvuesh') - eto raznye veschi. JA delala operaciju ne dlja togo, chtoby poluchit' vozmozhnost' zanimat'sja "normal'nym" (netabuirovannym) seksom s muzhchinami, a chtoby izbavit'sja ot konflikta, po-prostomu govorja, dushi i tela. JA ponimala, chto menjaja pol tela, ja umen'shaju svoi shansy najti "druguju polovinku", i uzhe ne nadejalas' na eto. Byla uverena, chto ostanus' odna. No sovershenno neozhidanno, blagodarja imenno etoj stranichke, cherez polgoda posle moej operacii menja nashla ta, kto sejchas moja ljubimaja. Ona ochen' ljubit menja, i ja chasto dumaju, kakoe zhe eto chudo. JA sovsem ne zhaleju, chto ja nakonec reshilas' na ves' etot slozhnyj i dolgij process smeny pola tela. Inogda zhaleju, chto ne nachala ran'she. No togda ja by ne poznakomilas' s ljubimoj. Ot skol'kih sobytij zavisit nasha zhizn'... I voobsche, "istorija ne znaet soslagatel'nogo naklonenija".

Krome moih foto sleva, mozhete posmotret' i drugie fotografii.

JA vybrala imja Lena iz-za ego mjagkogo zvuchanija. Bol'shinstvo dokumentov ja smenila - v moih nyneshnih svidetel'stve o rozhdenii, pasporte, dublikatah trudovoj knizhki i diplomov, drugih dokumentah ukazany imja Elena i zhenskij pol. CHast' dokumentov (naprimer, avtorskoe svidetel'stvo na izobretenie) ja i ne pytalas' pomenjat' - nereal'no, prosche zabyt'.

JA aktivno rabotala v klube transseksualov i transvestitov Associacii "Ganimed", oficial'no zaregistrirovannoj Ministerstvom justicii Ukrainy i sozdannoj s cel'ju zaschity prav seksual'nyh men'shinstv, hodila na vse ezhemesjachnye vstrechi transseksualov i transvestitov v Kieve nachinaja s pervoj v avguste 1995 (sejchas, k sozhaleniju, vstrechi prekrascheny). Konsul'tiruju ukrainskih i rossijskih transseksualov naschet gormonoterapii i drugih problem, mnogo vremeni trachu na podderzhku nizheopisannyh konferencij i uchastie v nih. Na protjazhenii poslednih let v ukrainskih periodicheskih izdanijah bylo opublikovano neskol'ko statej na trans-temu, napisanyh pri moem uchastii. JA pytalas' cherez zhurnalistov ob'ektivno rasskazat' shirokoj publike o zhizni i problemah transvestitov i transseksualov. Naskol'ko mne eto udalos' - Vy mozhete posmotret' zdes'.

Esli Vy transseksual, transvestit, interseksual ili znaete lichno takih ljudej, to napishite mne <Lena@lena.kiev.ua>.
V sluchae tehnicheskih problem s otpravkoj pisem na etot adres vospol'zujtes', pozhalujsta, moim zapasnym adresom Lena@groups.io

JA sozdala i vedu russkojazychnuju konferenciju "TGrus" (v tehnicheskoj forme mailing list) transvestitov, transseksualov i t.p., ih zhen i muzhej (zakonnyh i grazhdanskih) i drugih chlenov semej. Podpiska na konferenciju "TGrus" moderiruemaja, t.e. poluchat' i otpravljat' posting-i mogut tol'ko te, komu moderator razreshit podpisat'sja. Arhiv dostupen tol'ko podpischikam. Est' vozmozhnost' poluchat' posting-i po otdel'nosti ili v vide ezhednevnyh dajdzhestov. ZHelajuschie podpisat'sja napishite po adresu Lena@lena.kiev.ua vkratce o sebe i, ne dozhidajas' otveta, otprav'te po adresu TGrus+subscribe@groups.io pustoe pis'mo. Eto esche ne vse: snachala listserver avtomaticheski vyshlet (s adresa, zakanchivajuschegosja na @groups.io) Vam pis'mo c temoj (Subject) Confirm Your Groups.io Subscription , chtoby ubedit'sja, chto ukazannyj e-mail adres dejstvitel'no Vash i chto podpisat'sja hotite imenno Vy, a ne kto-to hochet Vas podpisat' protiv Vashej voli. Otvet'te na to pis'mo tuda, otkuda ono prijdet, otvet mozhet byt' ljubym (dostatochno nazhat' "otvetit'" i srazu "otpravit'"). Dal'nejshie instrukcii po-russki Vy poluchite posle razreshenija podpiski moderatorom. Na pis'ma po-anglijski, ne upomjanutye v russkojazychnyh instrukcijah, ne obraschajte vnimanija. No vnimatel'no chitajte i vypolnjajte instrukcii po-russki.
V sluchae problem s podpiskoj pishite po adresu TGrus+owner@groups.io ili lichno mne. Esli u Vas chto-to ne poluchitsja s pervogo raza, ne volnujtes', ja Vam pomogu.

JA sozdala takzhe esche odnu russkojazychnuju konferenciju "TG-medical-rus" dlja obschenija medikov, zanimajuschihsja transseksualami, interseksualami (germafroditami) i t.p., mezhdu soboj i s samimi takimi ljud'mi. Tehnicheskie detali takie zhe, kak u vysheopisannoj konferencii TGrus. ZHelajuschie podpisat'sja napishite mne.

The Purple Rose Award for Excellence (GIF 11K)

Mozhete ostavit' zapis' v moej gostevoj knige
Mozhete posmotret', chto v nej napisali drugie

statistika TopList

K etoj stranichke bylo 1853713 obraschenij s 20 nojabrja 1997.
Poslednie izmenenija vneseny 1 janvarja 2023.

Ssylki (links)


Anzhela, CD iz Moskvy
Viktorija, post-op iz Moskvy (al'ternativnyj vhod na sajt)
Anzhela, CD iz Moskvy - tol'ko email
Andrea Ellis, TV iz Moskvy - tol'ko email
JAroslav, FtM TS iz Moskvy i ego sajt pro Brandon Teena
Rita, TS iz Podmoskov'ja
Ksenija, TS iz Sankt-Peterburga
vita_fialka, post-op iz Sankt-Peterburga - tol'ko email
Leonid, post-op iz Peterburga - tol'ko email
Sasha, TV iz Novosibirska - tol'ko email
Aleksandr, post-op FtM iz Tol'jatti
Natasha, TV iz Tveri - tol'ko email
Indi, TS iz Petropavlovska-Kamchatskogo - tol'ko email
Irina, TS iz Volgograda - tol'ko email
Milorad, FtM iz Kaliningrada - tol'ko email
Lex, FtM
Vera, CD
Katja, CD
Anzhella, CD
sajt Iriny "Transgendernost' iznutri" - terminologija, teorija, raz'jasnenija
Larisa, CD iz Kieva - tol'ko email
Katja, veselaja TV iz L'vova
Diana, TV iz Ukrainy
Evgenija, TS iz Minska
Katja, post-op iz Latvii - tol'ko email
Aleksej, FtM v Berline
Sajt dlja/o bolgarskih TV/CD
Aleksandr, FtM

Perevedennaja na russkij jazyk chast' sajta Lynn Conway, v tom chisle raz'jasnenija suschnosti, prichin, rasprostranennosti, metodov lechenija transseksualizma
"Perehod" - sajt dlja FtM TS
Nekotorye transgendernye ljudi v istorii do XX veka
Pamjati Belkina i Golubevoj
Trans-stranichki na www.gay.ru - ne vosprinimajte vser'ez te gazetnye utki, kotorye Vy mozhete prochitat' na etom sajte.
Gendernye metamorfozy (MtF) v literature i izobrazitel'nom iskusstve - sajt zajavlen kak literaturnyj
pro Danu International

Esli Vy hotite chtoby ja pomestila zdes' ssylku na Vashu web-stranichku ili e-mail adres, to napishite mne ob etom.

Links - English language

About me - English version

Situation for TSs in Ukraine

TransGendeRing homepage This Global TransGendeRing site is owned by Lena.

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