My photos

Moi fotografii

By clicking on photos you can see them enlarged.
Here and here you can view enlarged variants of two bottom photos placed on my main page.
SCHelknuv myshkoj po foto, mozhno uvidet' ih uvelichennymi, s bol'shej chetkost'ju.
Zdes' i zdes' mozhno posmotret' uvelichennye varianty nizhnih dvuh fotok s moej osnovnoj stranichki.
Everyday makeup (without foundation) on 1998 photos, no makeup except lipstick on 2000 photos, no makeup at all on the 2001 photo. Na foto 1998 g. povsednevnaja kosmetika (bez tonal'nogo krema), na foto 2000 g. iz kosmetiki tol'ko gubnaja pomada, na foto 2001 g. voobsche bez kosmetiki.
July 1998, on beach of a pond in Kiev: Ijul' 1998, na beregu ozerka v Kieve:
Sitting in a swimsuit (JPEG 33K)
April 2000:
Aprel' 2000:
In a park (JPEG 65K)
January 2000:
JAnvar' 2000:
Portrait (JPEG 85K)
Legs :) (JPEG 81K)
In just a piece of cloth (JPEG 72K)
Nude (JPEG 36K)
June 2001:
Ijun' 2001:
Portrait taken by a videocamera (JPEG 62K)
Your impressions you can describe in my guestbook or write in a letter to me. :) Vashi vpechatlenija Vy mozhete zapisat' v moej gostevoj knige ili napisat' mne v pis'me. :)
This page has been accessed 217920 times since September 20, 1998.
Last updated on July 30, 2001.
statistika TopList K etoj stranichke bylo 217920 obraschenij s 20 sentjabrja 1998.
Poslednie izmenenija vneseny 30 ijulja 2001.
I don't allow to use my photos. JA ne razreshaju ispol'zovat' moi fotografii.
To my main page Na moju osnovnuju stranichku